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Circularity design principles enhance bioeconomy value capturing and sustainability policy impact.

Rapidly evolving bioeconomy paradigm shifts are repurposing enterprise networks regional presence, expanding resources availability banks and materials exchange platforms, and creating new usage rules. Today's bioeconomy policy and foundational bioeconomics find common ground that our societal relationship to environmental crises and climate change transition cannot be resolved without behavioral change.


Regenerative sciences anchor circularity design thinking principles. Four value capture modeling types established by industrial symbiosis experts are self-organized, dedicated facilitation, information communication technology data relay, and strategic or planned. Sophisticated webtools and proprietary platforms accommodate all modeling types although fundamental input-output resource matching methods remain relevant to integrated industries value capturing.


Our qualitative analysis encircles multiple dimensions of process engineering, bioinfrastructure, and ecotechnologies workforce innovation upskilling strategic planning while illuminating circularity enterprise innovation assets by getting in control of intangibles and novel applications.



Diversifying bioeconomy market catalysts can be transformative not merely transactional. We envision green new markets linkages propelled by localized circularity user generated ‘consumer valuing’ access behaviors and public equity investment platforms and technologies while elevating company ESG compliance. Circularity employment diversity, equity, and inclusivity knowledge culturing.

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Coopetition modeling provides consumer valuing tangible benefits.

Coopetition modeling can improve consumer valuing access and other tangible benefits through 'local to global' green new markets MGPS exportation. Coopetive modeling researchers 'OI' organizational literacy can be categorized through antecedent, interaction, expanding synergies, upleveling typologies, and execution phase tooling. Innovation accelerator program connectivity can leverage circularity employment base requisition, create new business services, iterate lifecycle analysis, ease shared risk costs, affirm industrial ecology accounting and energy auditing standards, evolve taxation, and other sensemaking. Coopetive modeling can enhance consumer valuing access behaviors and technologies bolstering localized public equity investment solutions.


Consumer valuing targeted universalism has historically belonged to resourceful grassroot economic development advocates embraced by black, indigenous, and people of color frontline communities and marginalized or overburdened populations. Rural to urban designated 'distressed areas' with persistent unemployment and high environmental and public health determinants can benefit from regional circularity transformations like industrial symbiosis parks and community resiliency microgrid modernization. Bioinfrastructures offer innovation employment while worker affordable housing ecodistrict design has become more prominently scaled across demographics.

User generated job security exists through circularity materials, goods, products, and services innovation employment suffusion.

Just Transition equity outcomes means that communities realize tangible benefits through purchasing the very materials, products, goods, and services (MPGS) they produce as bioeconomy workforce. Equity 'tools of power' grassroots modeling amplify green labor Voice. Community facilitated climate change scenario planning webtools, public interest technology, and built environment public equity investment district energy brokerage services platforms can provide transparent economic development opportunity for those farthest from opportunity.

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Meet Synoptic, our proprietary Circular Economies Industrial Symbiosis key sector workforce development, standardized occupational education.


Circularity point of origination consumer valuing access behaviors and ecotechnologies at a glance.

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Users are differently situated as frontline communities, designated distressed areas, and geospatially located ‘place based’ groups with +/> 5% persistent unemployment or high environmental climate impace or public health determinants proximal to rural and urban flows. Users have point of origination access to raw and symbiosis materials, products, goods, and services (MPGS) presenting entrepreneurialism. New civics bioinformatics and ecoinfrastructure are created via MGPS circularity resources availability community resiliency microgrid modernization connectivity. Built environment 'food tech' and water treatment and other systems are scaled through community facilitated envisioning ensure adaptability. Climate financed commercialization can be anchored by public interest technology (PIT) and smart city platforms providing opportunities for climate change scenario planning explorations and field vocational training.

Leveraging consumer valuing worker equity ‘knowledge culture’ industry placements.

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User entrepreneurs innovate and autonomously create industry placement opportunities or cluster co-create MGPS innovations design thinking and prototyping resulting in emergent repurposing networks modeling, new MGPS resources banks, and new MGPS usage rules. New network formations or expanded MPGS generated knowledge culturing results in direct entrepreneurial apprenticeship implemented via coopetition modeling employment base requisition, and CBO localized worker equity to statewide upskilling distribution through succession leadership blueprints. Public private partnership ‘PPP’ co-governance which currently anchors innovation cluster accelerator programs have counterbalances: systematized workforce development and employment security platform monopolies reliant on defense/war economy paradigmatics are countered with emergent integrated industries job seekers home based through climate justice worker equity peace economy paradigmatics of circularity policymaking.

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​Amplifying green labor consumer valuing through integrated industries mainstreaming campaigns.

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Users decide or through cluster agreements to contribute MGPS ideations to existing or new MPGS green marketplaces expanding circularity destinations providing momentum for community focused public equity investment modeling. Post-normalization evolves lifecycle analysis. Bioeconomy policymaking and bioeconomic scientific ideals merge on common ground theories of solving environmental crises through socialized behaviors. Supported integrated industries mainstreaming campaigns will catalyze workforce development agencies to adopt new apprenticeship programs, and mentorship rules and options. Career connecting programs will increase network support to advance small business circularity workforce development firms that amplify user facilitated MPGS green jobs creation and the expansion of a spectrum of new green job types and definitions. Instead, mitigating systematized labor platform monopolies primarily funneling to war economy and defense industries by recognizing the demand for principled peace economy sector jobs.

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