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Redefining Integrated Industries Consulting for 21st Century Circularity Systems Intelligence Knowledge Culturing

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Violet Kashewa, President, and Chief Intuitive Officer, fluidly operates at professional clairvoyant and native prophetic seeing knowledge sourcing. Serving Clients with more than 30 years Intuitive Business Analysis subject matter expertise in qualitative systems sciences heuristics. Quantum information sensemaking, metaphysical interpretation mapping and paradigmatic translation.


She articulates 'energy-information' prototyping, folded universe 'geometrical purpose blueprint insignia'© and encoded syntax interpretation, radically advancing 'new physics' sensemaking and various actionable solutions translations.


Unlocking 21st Century accelerated systems sciences 'peacelogic' breakthrough innovations and higher-conductivity learning models across industry for a 'new earth' helping to solve the challenges of tomorrow today.

Violet holds a Bachelor degree in Instructional Design and Y1 Master Public Administration, WA Real Estate Broker licensure with worker affordable housing ecodistrict development in progress. 


Earlier certifications in Change Management, Human Resources, and Conflict Mediation. An Ordained IMM Bachelor of Metaphysical Science, Graduate in Action, 20 years Street Ministry serving homeless constituents across the Pacific Northwest. She writes about 21st Century leadership and is the author of IIISA upskilling STEAM curriculum for Washington State Circular Economies Industrial Symbiosis key sector workforce innovation.


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Today, the scientific community validates that new physics are available on our planet. This scientific fact lends great credibility toward how we 'source' knowledge in the 21st Century. Empathic sciences share psychoenergetics perspectives, scientifically validated accelerated higher conductivity fields of coherence. Systems sciences encircle new millennium aptitudes established within the emergent paradigm. Once discoveries are made, civilization is never quite the same. We are witnessing the emergent paradigmatic to collectively operate within consciousness perceptivity ...acceleration is the new normal.

Peaceable logic concerns our empathic awareness toward ethical uses of technology and impacts to all life everywhere.

Next level psychoenergetic 'capabilities inventories' translations will make 'S2SI', 'spirit-to-systems' intelligence© and HC2T© 'human consciousness-2-technology' a reality. Our vision for smart machine design derived from revelatory 'SQ' psychic 'quota' employed for the express purposes of radically elevated peaceable logic scientific advances... articulated 'geometrical purpose blueprint insignias' encoded programming syntax of a folded universe. 'SQ Engineering© will change the ways 'AI' technology is used for new millennium problem solving.  'SQ’ spiritual quota ‘knowledge sourcing’ transcripts© will be the firmware of the future. 


This means 'SQ' etymology will evolve formal logic. New 'SQ' Engineering© core competencies will emerge. But 'SQ' spiritual quota intelligence problem solving is not former 'EQ' emotional intelligence learning models. 'SQ' engineers apprehend psychic flows of coupled Universal Intelligence in problem solving and innovation solutions. Routine HCDE/AI immersion will translate putative conventions of 'Source' suffusion that will redefine our relationship to time and space, each other, and our planet Earth.


Up close and personal with Business Psychic Violet Kashewa starting at 10K live streaming and 8 hour corporate day event, catered mastermind keynote engagement. Advance scheduling recommended to ensure satellite connectivity and a great experience for everyone.

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Let's Connect!

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